Preservation Institute: Nantucket (PI:N)

Preservation Institute: Nantucket (PI:N) has operated as a center for education in historic research and architectural preservation on Nantucket Island since 1972. Settled by Massachusetts colonials in 1659, this "far away island" (the meaning of Nantucket's name in a local Indian language) grew into an important whaling village. Its significance waned in the mid-1850s with the decline of the whale oil market and dependent industries. It has since become primarily a summer retreat for New Englanders. The island's isolation spared the town from the encroachment of urban sprawl experienced by most other colonial New England towns, preserving the integrity of its 18th-century character - and making it an invaluable context in which to study issues of planning and designing within a profoundly historic environment. In the UF PIN Program, you can earn graduate credit over the summer in advanced courses in the theory, practice, methodology and technology of architectural preservation and building research.