Josh Weihnacht
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Games & Experiments
The Constructivist Modeler Java Applet  |  Aug 1999

Demo Versions

For my CISE Senior Project I am developing a data visualization program that will be a hybrid of Russian Avant Garde art from the beginning of this century and flow graph models from System Dynamics. The project will use many of the concepts and rules familiar to System Dynamics (levels, rates), but will attempt to emulate the abstract geometric style of Russian Constructivist and Suprematist art. Thus although the underlying software will contain numerical values associated with the levels and rates of the model, and the user will probably be able to see these values if she desires, the user should be able to construct and observe the model through a mappings of numerical information to visual information.

Keeping with the geometrical spirit of Constructivist art, the project will only use the most basic of geometric shapes: squares, triangles, and circles. Levels will be represented by squares. Rates will be represented by triangles. Circles will be used as connectors. Since the flow arcs and cause-and-effect arcs traditionally used in flow graph models with be implicitly represented by the overlapping of shapes, it is necessary to provide the user with a connector so that feedback loops can be built and so that the model can be built in a more compositionally pleasing way.

The numerical value of a level will be represented by color. Following the convention of weather maps that encode numerical temperature values with color, the lowest numerical value will be represented as blue, a median value as green, and the highest value as red. Values in between will take their place on this spectrum of color.

Rules for two squares overlapping (levels and rates only)

Rules for upward pointing triangles with squares (positive cause-and-effect arcs)

Rules for downward pointing triangles with squares (negative cause-and-effect arcs)

Rules for triangles overlapping with only one square and for multiple overlapping triangles

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