Grapevine is a concept for a wine inventory management system for restaurants. Grapevine provides a central place for restaurants to manage their inventory, order additional stock or explore new wines. Grapevine is integrated into the restaurant's inventory management system so that it knows exactly what the restaurant has in stock, how quickly each varietal is selling, and can suggest replacements when a regularly-ordered wine is unavailable.
Grapevine connects users with distributor representatives, who bring samples of wines that the user has put on a "tasting list." It allows busy restaurant owners to quickly reorder cases of their regular wines and taste new wines to ensure they will pair well with the restaurant's menu and style.
Wireframes, Personas, HTML Mock-ups, Competitive Analysis, Interviews, Moodboard, Conceptual Models
Team Members:
Moira Burke, Jon Maloto, Josh Weihnacht
HTML Mock-ups
View several key pages were mocked-up in HTML.
View wireframes representing earlier design ideas.
The project started with the open ended requirement to do something around a personalized website for wine recommendations. Initial research included analyzing comparable websites, visiting brick and mortar wine distributors, and interviewing a restaurant owner and his customers. We also made models based on our research in order to guide our thinking. As we explored the problem space, we realized the opportunity to create a service for restaurants and their needs.
Restaurant Wine Lifecycle
In the restaurant life cycle model, the outer ring represents the larger inventory management performed by the restaurant on a regular basis, including reordering wines, setting prices, receiving payment for bottles, and managing the cellar. The inner circle represents the wine service and consumption cycle perfomed repeatedly by many tables each evening.
This model represents the primary motivations of both restaurant staff (green text) and customers (yellow text) concerning wine. Concerns often span multiple motivations. For example, customers want to get a good wine for their money, a concern that spans both "Money" and "Oenophilia."
Stakeholder Model
This stakeholder model identifies the people associated with wine at the restaurant, including customers, restaurant staff, and third-parties who work with the customers or staff. Customers and staff placed more closely to the center of the oval are more likely to be involved in the decisions surrounding wine purchasing and consumption.
We designed a mood board to create a place to ground our communication and make sure our expectations matched. We used the mood board to discuss our target users, their desires, and the visual language of the final site.
We selected modern, industrial pictures to convey sophistication and an urban feel, but with warm overtones and some references to green, the organic, and the natural. At the same time, we used straight columns and pictures with internal order to convey a sense of control and order.